Friday, August 31, 2012

Review Forces and Begin Force-Mass Lab

We played Who's Who and reviewed for the Forces Quiz by playing a game of "Find the Mistake and Fix It" based on the most common mistakes students made on the homework (last block's door pass).  After we took the quiz, we discussed how scientists gather data and analyze it by creating graphs.  Graphs that we make in this class will typically have a linear relationship, but it is equally important if scientists find no relationship between two variables, such as the recent find that calorie-restricted diets do not promote longevity in Rhesus monkeys.  We collected the force and mass data and some students were able to begin graphing their data in class.

HW: Finish graph

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Whiteboard Forces Worksheet #1

We played Who's Who and did the materials check.  Most of the period was spent checking the homework, learning about whiteboard presentations, and presenting the answers from worksheet 1.  A complete answer key can be found here.

HW: Study for quiz on Worksheet 1

Monday, August 27, 2012

How to Draw Force Diagrams

We started by playing Who's Who while I checked the homework.  We did not go over all of the answers, but students who had questions were able to ask.  Complete answers can be found here.  I also discussed a bit of the Newton's First Law Lab and collected it.  Most of the period we discussed types of motion and determined if the different examples we generated in class were examples of constant speed and direction (Newton's First Law) or examples of changing speed and/or direction (Newton's Second Law).  We then took notes about forces and learned how to draw a force diagram.  The remainder of the period (about 15 minutes) was spent working on the homework.

Homework:  Finish Worksheet 1; Get Materials; Correct Homework from 8/22-23

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Newton's First Law Lab

We played Who's Who and took and corrected the quiz on the green sheet.  The second half of the period we learned about Newton's First Law and did the First Law Lab.

HW:  Read pp. 25-34; Review Questions 1-15 complete sentences or write question and answer

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Welcome to Physics!

I am very excited for a great year in physics.  This blog is a great place to find information about what happens in class, daily homework assignments, long term assignments, as well as links to answer keys and extra help.  It would be a great idea to bookmark this page so you may visit it on a regular basis.  So let's get started with what happened on the first day of school!

Much of the first day is spent taking care of the business side of things.  We got our textbooks, which need to be covered and kept at home.  We also completed a student information form on the computers.  This information is vital for my communication with you! We also spent some time getting to know each other and what exactly is physics any way????  The last thing we did was take a diagnostic test to see how much you know (or don't!) about physics and the way the mechanical world works.  We will take the same exact test at the end of the year so you can see your improvement.

Get Syllabus Signed
Collect Materials (I have some materials that I will give to students AFTER SCHOOL only)

3-Ring Notebook –Minimum 1.5 inches thick (FOR PHYSICS ONLY!)
            Binder Paper for taking notes
            Dividers (15 total) – labeling information will be given later
            Materials (in a zipper pouch)
                        2 Pencils
                        4 Dry Erase Markers (Large, different colors)
                        Red pen or pencil for corrections
                        METRIC ruler
                        Scientific Calculator (the kind with sin, cos, tan, etc.)
            $10 Lab Donation

Finish Getting to Know You...