Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Unit 4, 5, and 8 test

I collected notebooks, homework packets and we took the Unit 4, 5, and 8 test.

HW: None! Have a great break!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Review Day

I checked the review sheet and we corrected it in class.  If you were unable to correct it, you can click here for the answers.  Also please check your answers to the Projectile Motion Anticipation Guide.  I also passed back papers and gave time to organize homework packets.  The second half of the period we watched the NOVA special Monster of the Milky Way.

Watch Monster of the Milky Way on PBS. See more from NOVA.
HW: Complete Practice Test (Due Monday at Tutorial- 5 points extra credit); assemble homework packet, organize notebook, study for test (blank review sheet)

Thursday, December 13, 2012

First Semester Notebook Organization

Your binder/notebook will be evaluated on the following criterion:
1) You have the majority of the assignments given during the semester
2) All your papers filed in the correct sections and there are no loose papers
3) You have most of your materials (red pen, dry erase pens, etc.) and haven't lost them all... sorry I forgot to mention that one in class :(

When I open your notebook, this is what it should look like:

Your pencil pouch should be on top, with your table of contents below that, followed by your physics helper.  Within each section you should have:

Semester 1 Notebook Organization

Unit 1- Forces
Unit 1 Homework Packet
Newton's First Law Lab
Force-Mass Lab
Coefficient of Friction Lab

Unit 2- Constant Velocity
Unit 2 Homework Packet
Monster Truck Lab
Graphing Motion Lab #1
Graphing Motion Lab #2

Unit 3- Non-Constant Velocity
Unit 3 Homework Packet
Wheel Lab

Unit 4- Projectile Motion
Unit 4 Homework Packet
Bullseye Lab

Unit 5- Circular Motion
Circular Motion Stations Lab
Hover Craft Lab
Circular Motion Stations Lab

Syllabus and Special Notes

Green Sheet
Any How-to's (How to Make a Mathematical Model, How to Use Graphical Analysis, etc.)

If you have an assignment that has a numerical grade that is not listed above, please post a comment below and I will update the list!

Satellite Motion

I checked the Gravity Simulation homework and periods 2 and 4 finished the calculation of the acceleration due to gravity at the International Space Station.  We also corrected quizzes (not 4th period).

Most of the period was spent discussing and completing the Satellite Motion worksheet.

I also lectured about what causes the season and we watched this short clip showing Harvard graduates that do not know what causes the seasons.

HW: Finish review sheet

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Universal Gravitation

We debriefed the Kepler's Laws activity and I discussed Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation.  We completed Worksheet 11-1 and discussed how Cavendish calculated the value for G so that he could determine the mass of the Earth.

HW: Gravity Simulation; finish WS 11-1

Thursday, December 6, 2012

History of Planetary Motion

I checked the 2 homework assignments and briefly reviewed selected problems.  Most of the period I talked about the history of planetary motion and how we know what we know about our solar system.  Students did an activity to learn about Kepler's laws of motion using an online simulation.  We concluded the period by learning about how Newton pulled all of the astronomers prior knowledge together to develop his Law of Universal Gravitation.

HW:  Finish WS 11-1; Correct Vector HW and WS 9-2; study for quiz on vectors.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

More Vectors and Intro to Trig Functions

I checked the homework and we briefly went over it.  We also corrected two quizzes and took the quiz on Unit 5 WS 2.

I discussed components and how to resolve components using trigonometric functions.

HW:  WS 9-2; Components Worksheet

Monday, December 3, 2012

Fictitious Forces

I checked the homework, but you will need to correct it online in preparation for your quiz.  I also gave the quiz on Unit V Worksheet 1.

The remainder of the period I discussed fictitious forces and we watched the physics classic Frames of Reference.  I posted a link at the bottom that go into the details of fictitious forces.

The last few minutes of the period I talked about Vector Addition and gave the homework, Vector Addition Worksheet.

HW: Correct WS 2 and study for quiz; Vector addition worksheet

The F-Word- CentriFugal

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Whiteboard WS 1

I checked the homework and we spent most of the period whiteboarding it.  You can double check your answers here.  I also collected the hovercraft lab.  We also did a practice quiz and corrected it.

HW: WS 2; Study for quiz on WS 1

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Hovercraft Lab

I debriefed the Circular Motion station lab and collected it.  Most of the period was spent collecting data for and completing the Hovercraft Lab.  The last 20 minutes students were able to work on the homework.

HW: Unit V WS 1; finish lab if you didn't finish it in class

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Circular Motion Stations Lab

We finished up our study of projectile motion with a quiz and watching the Mythbusters episode "Bullet Fired vs. Bullet Dropped".  We started our study of Circular Motion by investigating a number of activities set up at the lab stations.  If you were not at school, please

1.Download the lab by clicking here, and print out a copy.

2.  Copy the background information about the 3 main points of circular motion.
An object in circular motion is always acted on by a force directed toward the center of the circle.
If the force is removed, an object will travel in a straight line tangent to the circle due to inertia.
Because there is a force acting toward the center of the circle, there is also an acceleration acting toward the center of the circle.

3.  Carefully read through the description of each activity and make a prediction about the results, or how you can most effectively get the experiment to work.

4.  Then watch each video posted at Mr. Hammack's site and describe the results of the experiment.  (For Experiment 8 you will need to use your own heavy textbook).

5. Using the background information at the beginning of the lab, see if you can explain your results.

The lab will be collected at the next class period.

HW: Finish lab if necessary

Friday, November 16, 2012

Bullseye Lab

I checked the homework and we read the article about the Mars orbiter that failed due to a metric mishap.  Most of the period was spent completing the Bullseye lab.

HW: Correct WS 1; Finish and Correct WS 2; Quiz on WS 1 and the first page of WS 2

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Projectile Motion Simulations

We got new seats and I passed back papers.  I also checked the homework and we went over it.  We learned more about projectile motion by using an online simulation.  Click here for the link.

After that we took more notes on projectile motion and completed the Cancun Problem.

HW:  Finish WS 1

Friday, November 9, 2012

Acceleration Test

I gave a brief review and collected homework packets.  I gave 70 minutes to complete the test.

HW:  Projectile Motion Anticipation Guide (Part 1) and Snowboarder Problem on back side

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Review for Acceleration Test

I checked the review sheet and worksheet 3.  We did the Reaction Time Lab and corrected quizzes 1 and 2.  I gave time for students to correct the review sheet and we went over worksheet 3.  We then took a practice quiz on instantaneous velocity then graded it right away.

HW: Correct Youtube Physics; assemble HW packet; study for test; complete practice test (due tomorrow at tutorial for ALL periods!)

Friday, November 2, 2012

Youtube Physics

We took the quiz on WS 2, then watched the Mythbusters Penny Drop episode.  The second half of the period we did the Youtube Physics activity.  You can watch the videos here:

HW: Finish Review Sheet (Due Tuesday for Orange Day Classes, Wednesday for Black Day Classes); Test on Thursday (Orange) and Friday (Black)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Free-Fall and Terminal Velocity

I checked Worksheet 2.  You need to correct it in preparation for the quiz next time.  We also corrected the Kinematics Curves Quiz and took the quiz on Worksheet 1.  The majority of the period we discussed the results of the pumpkin drop, and free-fall with and without air resistance.  The best example of free fall without air resistance is the experiment the astronauts did on the moon.

For periods 1 and 3 I also lectured on Average vs. Instantaneous Velocity.

Periods 1 & 3
Homework: WS 3; Quiz on WS 2 (correct it here)

Periods 2 & 4 
Homework:  Finish Free Fall and Terminal Velocity WS; Quiz on WS 2 (correct it here)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Acceleration Due to Gravity

I collected the Ramp 'n Roll assignment and checked and corrected Unit III Worksheet 1.  There will be a quiz on this worksheet next time.  Following that we collected data for the Acceleration Due to Gravity activity.  Everyone finished it in class and I stamped it.  Students had about 20 minutes to complete homework in class.

HW:  Finish WS 2; Study for quiz on WS 1

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Ramp -n- Roll

I checked everyone's Ramp 'n Roll predictions while they were taking the practice quiz.  We graded the practice quiz, then took the real quiz.  After that, students completed the Ramp 'n Roll activity.  Finish the comparisons for homework if you don't finish in class.  The last part of class we discussed using the same skill we used in previous units (slope of the line, area underneath the line) and how it applies to our new unit of instruction.

HW:  WS 1; Finish Ramp 'n Roll

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Kinematics Curves

I passed out the new assignment sheet.  We finished our discussion of the Wheel Lab and turned it in.  We also took notes about the shapes of all of the graphs depending on the direction and speed the object is traveling.  The last 20 minutes of class I gave students time to work on their homework.

HW: Predictions for Ramp-n-roll; Study for Quiz on Kinematics Curves

Monday, October 22, 2012

Wheel Lab

The entire period was spent collecting position-time data for a wheel rolling down an incline plane.  Students who did not create their velocity-time graph before they left MUST come back after school or during tutorial to complete it!

HW: Finish lab through Question #10

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Constant Velocity Test

I collected the homework packet and we took the Constant Velocity Test.

HW:  Finish Navigating the Curves

We also discussed the Exploratorium field trip.

If you are going on the trip:
Be on the front steps at 7:45
You must ride the bus you are assigned
Bring food or $$ for lunch
Bring a writing utensil and turn in the assignment when you get on the bus
Leave the Exploratorium at 1:15 to be back by about 2:30
All school rules apply

If you are not going on the trip:
Go to the Exploratorium website.  Explore the online exhibits.  Select four exhibits that are of interest to you.  Write a short 1 paragraph summary of each exhibit.  This should include information about why you chose the exhibit, what you learned and what you liked about it.  Please print your summaries and bring them to your next class meeting or email a copy of it to your teacher.  

Monday, October 15, 2012

The Elegant Universe- Orange Period ONLY

We watched the movie "The Elegant Universe" so that we would not get off schedule with the other periods going to the Exploratorium on Thursday.

HW: Study for test on Wednesday; Assemble HW packet

Friday, October 12, 2012

Match 'em Up and Review

We took the quiz on Worksheet 3 and graded it in class.  I also checked the review sheet and gave class time to correct it.  If you didn't get a chance to correct it in class, here is the review sheet key.  We also did the Match 'em Up activity.

HW:  Assemble HW packets, study for test (download practice test, bring to tutorial on Monday (periods 2,4) or Tuesday (periods 1,3) for EC stamp)

If you want additional practice you can download a blank review sheet and complete it again

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

What's Your Problem

I collected the Graphing Motion Lab and we corrected Quiz #2 in class.  Most of the period was spent on the What's Your Problem Activity.  Students designed their own constant velocity problem for other students to solve.

HW:  Study for Quiz on WS 3; Review Sheet due next block

Friday, October 5, 2012

Graphing Motion Lab

I checked and briefly went over the first and last page of Worksheet 3.  We also took Quiz #2 on Worksheet 2.

Most of the period was spent completing the Graphing Motion Lab.

HW: Finish the lab; correct WS

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Riding a Bike

I checked the homework, but we didn't have time to go over it.  You can correct your homework here.  We also corrected quiz #1 in class.  Most of the period was spent completing the Riding a Bike activity.    The notes for the definitions and examples are here.

In case you would like to watch the video again, here ya go!

HW: Correct WS 2 (Quiz next time); Finish WS 3

Monday, October 1, 2012

Making Velocity-Time Graphs

I collected the Monster Truck Lab and we took a quiz on the lab and interpreting position-time graphs.

I did a series of demos using the trucks and we generated written descriptions, position-time and velocity time graphs for the different scenarios.

I gave about 20 minutes to work on the homework.  Many people got a stamp.

HW:  Finish Worksheet 2

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Graphing Motion Lab

The first half of the period I checked the homework and we whiteboarded the answers.  The second half of the period we completed the graphing motion lab.

HW:  Finish Graphing Motion Lab Questions if you didn't finish in class; study for quiz on Monster Truck Lab

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Monster Truck Lab and Rally

I checked the Review Questions from the textbook.  You can correct your answers here.  We spent most of the time collecting data for the Monster Truck Lab and completing the rally.  We developed our general model for all objects moving at a constant speed in a straight line:

xf = vt + xi

Where xi is the starting position of the object and xf is the final position.  V stands for velocity and t stands for time.

HW:  Worksheet 1; finish lab; correct HW on-line

Friday, September 21, 2012

Forces Test

I collected the forces homework packet and we took the forces test.

HW: Read pp. 10-14; Review Questions p. 22 #1-8

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Review For Test

I checked the review sheet and went over selected problems.  Please correct the remainder of your worksheet here.  We also took two quizzes, one on the Friction Lab and one on a Worksheet 3.  I also passed back quizzes and gave a bit of time to assemble homework packets.

The test on Forces will be next block.  Here are some ways you can prepare for your exam:
Download a practice test, complete it an bring it to tutorial the DAY BEFORE your test
Re-do the review sheet
Review quiz questions
Re-read Chapter 3
Attend tutorial to get help!

HW:  Assemble Packet, study for test, get Exploratorium signature

One of our Physics classmates is in a photography contest!  Like her picture here.

Monday, September 17, 2012

When Net Force Doesn't = 0N

I collected the lab and checked it for completion.  To earn the full score that was written on your paper you MUST correct your lab  with a RED PEN!  I will be collecting the lab again at the next class meeting.  We also corrected Quiz 2.5 (the quiz from the last period), but I postponed the quiz on the lab until the next meeting.

Most of the period was spent discussing what happens when the forces are no longer balanced.  According to Newton's 2nd Law, in the presence of a net force, an object will accelerate.  We then learned how to calculate the acceleration of an object using the sum of the forces equation.  I reminded students that I have given them many different tools throughout the unit.  The tools in your toolbox will allow you to solve the problems, and the order that you use the tools depends on the type of problem you are given.  The tools you have are:

Force Diagrams
ΣF Equations
FEarth on Object = -9.8 N/kg*mass
ΣF = ma

Students worked on Worksheet 3 in class, and most students got a stamp.  If you did not get a stamp you can come in at tutorial to finish it and get a stamp.

We have now learned all of the material for then Forces Unit test.  The test will be on Thursday 9/20 for Orange Periods and Friday 9/21 for Black Periods.

HW:  Review Sheet- Due NEXT TIME; Correct Lab; Quiz on next time on WS 3 and the Lab

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Finish Coefficient of Friction Lab

We graded the two quizzes (Force-Mass Lab and Making a Mathematical Model) and took a quiz on Worksheet 2.  The remainder of the period we discussed the Coefficient of Friction Lab.  For a detailed discussion of frictional coefficients, click here.

HW: Finish Lab; Quiz on Lab

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Coefficient of Friction Lab

I checked Unit I Worksheet 2 and gave final answers in class, but we didn't have a chance to review it in class.  Correct your answers here, and be sure to see me during tutorial if you have questions.  We also took the quiz on how to make a mathematical model.

The remainder of the period was spent collecting data for the Coefficient of Friction Lab.  Everyone should have left class with a graph of static friction and a graph of kinetic friction.

HW: Finish lab through #14; correct WS 2 and study for quiz

Friday, September 7, 2012

Solving Net Force Problems

We finished discussing the Force-mass lab and took a quiz on it.  I also checked the homework and we corrected and discussed it in class.  The majority of the period was spent learning how to solve force for the forces involved in our force diagrams.  Class notes can be found here.

HW:  Finish WS 2; Study for Quiz on Making Mathematical Models

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Finish Force-Mass Lab and Making Mathematical Models

We played our final round of Who's Who.  I also checked the homework, which was to finish graphing the data from the Force-Mass Lab.  We reviewed how to calculate slope, then we used Graphical Analysis to graph our data and generate a line of best fit.  Each group reported their slope values and we analyzed the group data for outliers.

Once all outliers were eliminated we learned that the slope of the line represents the Gravitational Field Strength of Earth and from this we can make a Mathematical Model.  We learned how to make a mathematical model and finished our discussion of the lab with our general model that allows us to predict the force Earth exerts on every object if given the mass.

HW:  Unit 1:  Making Mathematical Models; Quiz on the lab

Friday, August 31, 2012

Review Forces and Begin Force-Mass Lab

We played Who's Who and reviewed for the Forces Quiz by playing a game of "Find the Mistake and Fix It" based on the most common mistakes students made on the homework (last block's door pass).  After we took the quiz, we discussed how scientists gather data and analyze it by creating graphs.  Graphs that we make in this class will typically have a linear relationship, but it is equally important if scientists find no relationship between two variables, such as the recent find that calorie-restricted diets do not promote longevity in Rhesus monkeys.  We collected the force and mass data and some students were able to begin graphing their data in class.

HW: Finish graph

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Whiteboard Forces Worksheet #1

We played Who's Who and did the materials check.  Most of the period was spent checking the homework, learning about whiteboard presentations, and presenting the answers from worksheet 1.  A complete answer key can be found here.

HW: Study for quiz on Worksheet 1

Monday, August 27, 2012

How to Draw Force Diagrams

We started by playing Who's Who while I checked the homework.  We did not go over all of the answers, but students who had questions were able to ask.  Complete answers can be found here.  I also discussed a bit of the Newton's First Law Lab and collected it.  Most of the period we discussed types of motion and determined if the different examples we generated in class were examples of constant speed and direction (Newton's First Law) or examples of changing speed and/or direction (Newton's Second Law).  We then took notes about forces and learned how to draw a force diagram.  The remainder of the period (about 15 minutes) was spent working on the homework.

Homework:  Finish Worksheet 1; Get Materials; Correct Homework from 8/22-23

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Newton's First Law Lab

We played Who's Who and took and corrected the quiz on the green sheet.  The second half of the period we learned about Newton's First Law and did the First Law Lab.

HW:  Read pp. 25-34; Review Questions 1-15 complete sentences or write question and answer

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Welcome to Physics!

I am very excited for a great year in physics.  This blog is a great place to find information about what happens in class, daily homework assignments, long term assignments, as well as links to answer keys and extra help.  It would be a great idea to bookmark this page so you may visit it on a regular basis.  So let's get started with what happened on the first day of school!

Much of the first day is spent taking care of the business side of things.  We got our textbooks, which need to be covered and kept at home.  We also completed a student information form on the computers.  This information is vital for my communication with you! We also spent some time getting to know each other and what exactly is physics any way????  The last thing we did was take a diagnostic test to see how much you know (or don't!) about physics and the way the mechanical world works.  We will take the same exact test at the end of the year so you can see your improvement.

Get Syllabus Signed
Collect Materials (I have some materials that I will give to students AFTER SCHOOL only)

3-Ring Notebook –Minimum 1.5 inches thick (FOR PHYSICS ONLY!)
            Binder Paper for taking notes
            Dividers (15 total) – labeling information will be given later
            Materials (in a zipper pouch)
                        2 Pencils
                        4 Dry Erase Markers (Large, different colors)
                        Red pen or pencil for corrections
                        METRIC ruler
                        Scientific Calculator (the kind with sin, cos, tan, etc.)
            $10 Lab Donation

Finish Getting to Know You...