Thursday, September 27, 2012

Graphing Motion Lab

The first half of the period I checked the homework and we whiteboarded the answers.  The second half of the period we completed the graphing motion lab.

HW:  Finish Graphing Motion Lab Questions if you didn't finish in class; study for quiz on Monster Truck Lab

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Monster Truck Lab and Rally

I checked the Review Questions from the textbook.  You can correct your answers here.  We spent most of the time collecting data for the Monster Truck Lab and completing the rally.  We developed our general model for all objects moving at a constant speed in a straight line:

xf = vt + xi

Where xi is the starting position of the object and xf is the final position.  V stands for velocity and t stands for time.

HW:  Worksheet 1; finish lab; correct HW on-line

Friday, September 21, 2012

Forces Test

I collected the forces homework packet and we took the forces test.

HW: Read pp. 10-14; Review Questions p. 22 #1-8

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Review For Test

I checked the review sheet and went over selected problems.  Please correct the remainder of your worksheet here.  We also took two quizzes, one on the Friction Lab and one on a Worksheet 3.  I also passed back quizzes and gave a bit of time to assemble homework packets.

The test on Forces will be next block.  Here are some ways you can prepare for your exam:
Download a practice test, complete it an bring it to tutorial the DAY BEFORE your test
Re-do the review sheet
Review quiz questions
Re-read Chapter 3
Attend tutorial to get help!

HW:  Assemble Packet, study for test, get Exploratorium signature

One of our Physics classmates is in a photography contest!  Like her picture here.

Monday, September 17, 2012

When Net Force Doesn't = 0N

I collected the lab and checked it for completion.  To earn the full score that was written on your paper you MUST correct your lab  with a RED PEN!  I will be collecting the lab again at the next class meeting.  We also corrected Quiz 2.5 (the quiz from the last period), but I postponed the quiz on the lab until the next meeting.

Most of the period was spent discussing what happens when the forces are no longer balanced.  According to Newton's 2nd Law, in the presence of a net force, an object will accelerate.  We then learned how to calculate the acceleration of an object using the sum of the forces equation.  I reminded students that I have given them many different tools throughout the unit.  The tools in your toolbox will allow you to solve the problems, and the order that you use the tools depends on the type of problem you are given.  The tools you have are:

Force Diagrams
ΣF Equations
FEarth on Object = -9.8 N/kg*mass
ΣF = ma

Students worked on Worksheet 3 in class, and most students got a stamp.  If you did not get a stamp you can come in at tutorial to finish it and get a stamp.

We have now learned all of the material for then Forces Unit test.  The test will be on Thursday 9/20 for Orange Periods and Friday 9/21 for Black Periods.

HW:  Review Sheet- Due NEXT TIME; Correct Lab; Quiz on next time on WS 3 and the Lab

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Finish Coefficient of Friction Lab

We graded the two quizzes (Force-Mass Lab and Making a Mathematical Model) and took a quiz on Worksheet 2.  The remainder of the period we discussed the Coefficient of Friction Lab.  For a detailed discussion of frictional coefficients, click here.

HW: Finish Lab; Quiz on Lab

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Coefficient of Friction Lab

I checked Unit I Worksheet 2 and gave final answers in class, but we didn't have a chance to review it in class.  Correct your answers here, and be sure to see me during tutorial if you have questions.  We also took the quiz on how to make a mathematical model.

The remainder of the period was spent collecting data for the Coefficient of Friction Lab.  Everyone should have left class with a graph of static friction and a graph of kinetic friction.

HW: Finish lab through #14; correct WS 2 and study for quiz

Friday, September 7, 2012

Solving Net Force Problems

We finished discussing the Force-mass lab and took a quiz on it.  I also checked the homework and we corrected and discussed it in class.  The majority of the period was spent learning how to solve force for the forces involved in our force diagrams.  Class notes can be found here.

HW:  Finish WS 2; Study for Quiz on Making Mathematical Models

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Finish Force-Mass Lab and Making Mathematical Models

We played our final round of Who's Who.  I also checked the homework, which was to finish graphing the data from the Force-Mass Lab.  We reviewed how to calculate slope, then we used Graphical Analysis to graph our data and generate a line of best fit.  Each group reported their slope values and we analyzed the group data for outliers.

Once all outliers were eliminated we learned that the slope of the line represents the Gravitational Field Strength of Earth and from this we can make a Mathematical Model.  We learned how to make a mathematical model and finished our discussion of the lab with our general model that allows us to predict the force Earth exerts on every object if given the mass.

HW:  Unit 1:  Making Mathematical Models; Quiz on the lab